As a professional film composer, producer, and singer-songwriter, Ray Hou intends to create music that offers immunity in a world that’s moving too fast. His songs feature delicately placed vocals weaving together with cinematic elements, intending to create an intrinsic, soothing landscape that offers a balance between the intimate and the grand.

Growing up in Taipei, Taiwan, Ray spent hours in a film composing studio and basked himself in the relations between visuals and sound, contributing to his musical versatility. In 2018, Ray began writing songs whilst gradually starting his career composing for advertisements, indie films, and later on, movies and TV shows.

Prior to releasing his first EP, Ray has amassed a diverse songwriting portfolio through countless movie and TV show features. His boundless writing ability can be showcased anywhere but not limited to creating house beats for AGT winner Avantgardey, writing Dixieland jazz for a highly anticipated Netflix original, “Born For The Spotlight,” to producing C-Pop records for Chynatown Music. In 2024 alone, his voice has been on original soundtracks for TV Shows “A Perfect Blossom” and “The Forbidden Flower.”

Apart from songwriting, Ray has made custom music for brands such as Sony, McDonald's, TGI Fridays, and many more. His compositions have been featured at the Berlin Film Festival and the Busan International Film Festival.

Ray is determined to navigate in parallel the film composing world whilst continuing to release his own works as a singer-songwriter.

I Wake And Remember (EP)


an EP that attempts to emulate an unwavering will against the inevitability of forgetting. Or in a simpler term, refusing to forget someone important to you no matter the distance, event, nor time past. 

